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I have been told now for a long while that I should practice yoga. The cynic in me has put this off for 37 years, with images of people in Thai-pants snorting incense and mumbling mantras. Months of travelling through India, Nepal and throughout Southeast Asia has somewhat skewed my impressions of yoga. Virtually every female I met in India…

Lesotho is perfect for backpacking. I'd been travelling along the South African coast from Cape Town and decided to head inland to Lesotho for some mountain time. The stunning mountain kingdom of Lesotho is one of the most memorable experiences of the trip. I hitched a ride up the Sani Pass then walked off into the mountains alone, wild camping…

This image is a Google Earth screenshot of where the Pearl River meets the sea just south of Guangzhou, South China. If you look closely, a patch of purple appears in the centre of the delta. This ghostly purple hue is pollution caused by what’s going on upstream, and we are contributing to it. It’s the indigo dye used in…

We all have so much to be grateful for. I've been developing a daily active practice of gratitude for a number of years now and it's had a huge impact on my life. I've just landed in Bergen, Norway. I've been invited here by Innovation Norway, the tourism board. As I walked through passport control the customs officer took my…

In late 2015 I made the decision to avoid 'unnecessary media'. In practice this means I no longer read newspapers, listen to the radio or watch news on the television and this has undoubtedly had a profound impact on my life. This was recommended to me by a number of very successful mentors, authors and entrepreneurs that I respect and…

I’ve just typed laptop into my Google photos account and this is the result. Why’s this important? Well some of the photos of my laptop above (I realise there are a few duplicates) I took whilst travelling the world, but in each photo, I was working. I have decided to document places that I’ve opened my laptop and worked remotely,…

As part of Liverpool Music Week, Loved Ones (@wearelovedones) supported the London-based band Gengahr at the Magnet on Hardman Street on Saturday evening. Loved Ones formed on the Wirral a few years ago and have since performed in various locations throughout the UK and Europe. Their lineup consists of Nik Glover (Guitar/vocals), Ben Shooter (Piano/vocals), Dan Taylor (drums) and Richard…

On a recent trip to California I ventured into Ventura, a small surfer’s town just north of Los Angeles. Aside from being quintessentially surf-orientated (some of California’s best surf breaks are within a few miles), Ventura is also home to my favourite company in the world, Patagonia. I realise this is a bold statement, but there are fewer companies in…

On the 1st December 1948, President Jose Figueres Ferrer abolished the military in #CostaRica. It's now been 25078 days without a Costa Rican army and they're doing just fine. This country has taught me many things and reinvigorated other core values that are easy to forget in a busy world.  Kindness and smiles are free. Our natural environments and the creatures…

Since I began visiting different countries, I have seen and been lucky enough to spend time with thousands people with very different lives to my own. They’ve often had less than I have, often had more. So what does this mean? It has given me perspective. I am fully aware of the opportunity I was given at birth to live…
