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I’ve just had a phone call with a business owner who runs a similar business to mine, supported and guided cycling tours. I’ve made the decision this year to put the feelers out for more freelance work to fill the gaps of my main work with my business. He sounded like I did ten years ago, flustered with all of…

015 Nick Read on leading LGBT+ adventures throughout the world, being a member of Llanberis Mountain rescue and challenging norms in the outdoor industry. Today’s podcast guest is Nick Read. Nick owns and runs Pride Expeditions, an adventure travel company that offers LGBTQ+ friendly expeditions throughout the world. He is based in North Wales, is an active member of the…

014 Tom Johnstone on the role of adventure in mental health and conservation, and mountain bike guiding in Iceland Today’s podcast guest is Tom Johnstone. Tom is an environmental scientist and outdoor professional based in North Wales. He runs supported mountain biking adventures through his business Carbon Monkey and has completed some epic bikepacking trips across Iceland and Norway (just…

Building systems in your business is one of the most powerful moves you can make. If done correctly, they can improve the experiences of the business owner, your staff, your suppliers and your customers. So what is a system? Technically, any process that happens in your business can be systematised. Some are easier than others, but it is definitely worth…

Building an email list is one of the most important things you can do when building your business or organisation. Even if you don’t do anything with it when you first start out, the key is to begin straight away. Why is email marketing so important? Email marketing is an extremely powerful way in which to market your product or…

If you run a business, have a product or service to sell, run a charitable organisation or club, or if you’re thinking about doing anything similar, you need to understand email marketing. In my view It is the single most important way to sustainably grow, maintain and futureproof your business or organisation. Marketing is an ever-changing landscape. Years ago we…

Reviews and referrals are the lifeblood of a business. In a world that is dominated with the internet and freedom of speech, it is absolutely essential your business actively seeks and encourages feedback from your clients. When I first started running a business I was scared of reviews. Imposter syndrome kicked in. “What if they say something negative?” was the…

Being self-employed has many advantages, the freedom to choose how much you want to work and earn are just a couple. However, when it comes to applying for mortgages and any other lending, it’s absolutely essential you plan ahead with your finances and how you manage them. A few years ago I embarked upon my journey to become more mortgage-friendly…

I was introduced to Kevin Kelly via the Tim Ferriss podcast and would agree with Tim that he is possibly one of the most interesting human beings on the planet. Kevin’s excellent essay 1000 True Fans has been a sort of operating manual for my life and business since it was published. Recently he’s posted two blogs that I have…

I have had plenty of jobs where I clock-watched. Counting down the hours, minutes and seconds until I could clock off, finish my day’s work and do something interesting with my time.  This whole concept has always terrified me. When you lay out the principles in play, it doesn’t seem to make sense at best, at worst it’s a stark…
